Contact us

You can email us at:
Let us know if you want to join our mailing list and we’ll keep you up to date with what we’re doing – as per GDPR, we promise not to spam you and we’ll never give your details to anyone else.
You can also find us on these social media:

If you’re an actor and want to be considered for casting in one of our productions, we cast on a show by show basis, so we’d kindly ask that you wait till we post a breakdown and get in touch then, if it’s appropriate.
In the meantime, here’s our casting policy.
And while we sometimes produce new writing, we more often than not produce revivals – we think we’ve found our next piece and it’s an existing play.
So if you’re a writer and thinking of sending us a script, again, we’d kindly ask that you wait till we advertise for submissions and get in touch then, if it’s appropriate.
There are more details of our artistic policy here.